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HomeNewsParvathy Baul Mesmerizes Chennai with Her Enchanting Baul Music

Parvathy Baul Mesmerizes Chennai with Her Enchanting Baul Music

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Renowned mystic musician, storyteller, and Baul folk singer Parvathy Baul recently captivated the Chennai audience with her spellbinding performance.

Equipped with an ektara, a duggi, and multiple metallic anklets, Parvathy’s presence on stage created an unforgettable experience.

In an exclusive interview with Chennai Times, she delved into the essence of Baul music, the importance of tradition, and her upcoming film “Joyguru.”

“Baul music is the music of the yogis of Bengal,” Parvathy explains. “This music conveys the wisdom of the Bauls, yogis who took the path of music and shared their teachings through their songs.” She elaborates that Baul music incorporates ancient ragas and folk elements, making it a unique blend of tradition and expression.

Parvathy emphasizes the importance of respecting tradition while exploring new boundaries. “Experimentation is valuable, but it must be done with an understanding of the tradition. Without that respect, the music loses its depth and meaning.”

Reflecting on the impact of modern technology, Parvathy expresses confidence like traditional music. “Even when radio and TV emerged, we wondered if they would overshadow live performances. People eventually become tired of new trends and return to what brings comfort. Live musicians offer an experience that technology cannot replicate. Traditions will always endure.”

She believes that dedicated musicians will continue to keep traditional music alive. While formats and platforms may evolve, the essence of the music will remain unchanged.

Parvathy offers an advice to the next generation of musicians: “Patience is crucial. Many musicians become frustrated and seek shortcuts, but there are no shortcuts in music. It is a sadhana, a discipline given by Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge. Dedication and passion are essential.”

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She encouraged young musicians to dedicate themselves to their craft. “When you love your art, you must fearlessly dedicate yourself to it.

Parvathy Baul Mesmerizes Chennai with Her Enchanting Baul Music
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‘Parvathy Baul’s life’ and ‘musical journey’ are the subjects of the upcoming film “Joyguru,” written and directed by Bengali filmmaker, Soumyajit Majumdar. The film is set to debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year, provides a detailed yet slightly fictionalized account of her life.

“Soumyajit conducted an extensive study on my life for two years. He accompanied me on my travels and spent countless hours understanding my story,” Parvathy shares. She believes the film will beautifully capture the essence of Baul tradition and its teachings for the younger generation.

Parvathy has a deep affection for Chennai, having performed in the city multiple times. “Chennai is a cultural hub that attracts a diverse audience from across the country. It’s always a pleasure to perform here,” she says.

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Parvathy’s musical influences are deeply rooted in her admiration for her mentors and classical musicians. She regularly listens to Sanatan Das Baul, Shashanko Goshai Baul, and Chinta Manidashi. Additionally, she enjoys the works of classical musicians such as Mallikarjun Mansur and Bhimsen Joshi, as well as Bengali musicians, Ramkumar Chattopadhyay and Pannalal Bhattacharya.

“Baul music has helped me explore my inner world, bringing me greater understanding and detachment,” Parvathy reflects, highlighting the profound impact of her musical journey.

Parvathy Baul’s recent performance in Chennai was a testament to the enduring power of Baul music and its ability to touch the hearts of listeners. Her dedication to preserving and sharing this unique tradition continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.

Sudhir Kumar
Sudhir Kumar
Hi Friends, My Name Is Sudhir Kumar. I am Music News Writer at I have 1.5 Years Experience in Music News Industry. My aim is Provide Latest Updates of Indian Music Industry.


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